Great Barrier Island / Aotea City Map, Where is Great Barrier Island / Aotea New Zealand located?
Great Barrier Island / Aotea is located in New Zealand. Timezone in Great Barrier Island / Aotea is Pacific/Auckland, Current local time in Great Barrier Island / Aotea is 2025-02-19, 11:51:10 NZDT
Plese learn more about New Zealand by click New Zealand Country Facts link.
The nearest airport to Great Barrier Island / Aotea, is Great Barrier Island Airport (GBZ). Also you can find all airports near to Great Barrier Island / Aotea by click Closest Airports to Great Barrier Island / Aotea .
Satellite View and Map of Great Barrier Island / Aotea, New Zealand
Here you can see location and online map of the Great Barrier Island / Aotea, New Zealand and it's geographical coordinates. Also you can see flight directions from Great Barrier Island / Aotea, New Zealand to other cities is given below.
Great Barrier Island / Aotea GPS Coordinates: Latitude: S 36° 14' 55.4'' Longitude: E 175° 28' 23''
Great Barrier Island / Aotea hotel prices and location on the map |