Closest Airport to Lake Elsinore, Airports Near Lake Elsinore, United States

The closest airport to Lake Elsinore is March Air Force Base (RIV). Distance from March Air Force Base to Lake Elsinore is 15.2 miles / 24.46 kilometers.

List of Airports close to Lake Elsinore

French Valley Airport (RBK)

French Valley Airport is located approximately 13.05 miles / 21 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is RBK.

March Air Force Base (RIV)

March Air Force Base is located approximately 14.91 miles / 24 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is RIV.

Ryan Field (HMT)

Ryan Field is located approximately 18.02 miles / 29 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is HMT.

Riverside Municipal Airport (RAL)

Riverside Municipal Airport is located approximately 20.51 miles / 33 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is RAL.

Riverside Heliport (JRD)

Riverside Heliport is located approximately 21.13 miles / 34 kilometers North (N) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is JRD.

Riverside Fla-Bob Airport (RIR)

Riverside Fla-Bob Airport is located approximately 22.37 miles / 36 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is RIR.

Chino Airport (CNO)

Chino Airport is located approximately 27.34 miles / 44 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is CNO.

Tri-City Airport (SBT)

Tri-City Airport is located approximately 27.34 miles / 44 kilometers North (N) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is SBT.

Norton Air Force Base (SBD)

Norton Air Force Base is located approximately 29.83 miles / 48 kilometers North (N) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is SBD.

Ontario International Heliport (JIO)

Ontario International Heliport is located approximately 29.83 miles / 48 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is JIO.

Ontario International Airport (ONT)

Ontario International Airport is located approximately 31.07 miles / 50 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is ONT.

John Wayne Airport (SNA)

John Wayne Airport is located approximately 31.07 miles / 50 kilometers West (W) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is SNA.

Oceanside Municipal Airport (OCN)

Oceanside Municipal Airport is located approximately 31.07 miles / 50 kilometers South (S) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is OCN.

Santa Ana Downtown Heliport (DNT)

Santa Ana Downtown Heliport is located approximately 31.07 miles / 50 kilometers West (W) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is DNT.

Newport Beach Heliport (JNP)

Newport Beach Heliport is located approximately 32.31 miles / 52 kilometers West (W) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is JNP.

Banning Airport (BNG)

Banning Airport is located approximately 32.31 miles / 52 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is BNG.

The City Heliport (JOR)

The City Heliport is located approximately 32.31 miles / 52 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is JOR.

Centerport Heliport (JOC)

Centerport Heliport is located approximately 32.93 miles / 53 kilometers West (W) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is JOC.

Cable Heliport (JUP)

Cable Heliport is located approximately 35.42 miles / 57 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is JUP.

Anaheim Airport (ANA)

Anaheim Airport is located approximately 36.04 miles / 58 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Lake Elsinore. IATA airport code is ANA.