Closest Airport to Egvekinot, Airports Near Egvekinot Russia
What is the nearest airport to Egvekinot, Russia?
The closest airport to Egvekinot is Anadyr Airport (DYR). Distance from Anadyr Airport to Egvekinot is 141.77 miles or 228.16 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Egvekinot
- Anadyr Airport (228.16 Km)
- Provideniya Bay (347.83 Km)
- Gambell Airport (447.86 Km)
- Savoonga Airport (499.7 Km)
- Tin City Air Force Station (513.96 Km)
- Markovo Airport (515.2 Km)
- Port Clarence Airport (570.75 Km)
- Point Hope Airport (572.77 Km)
- Shishmaref Airport (581.84 Km)
- Cape Lisburne Airport (618.44 Km)
List of Airports close to Egvekinot, Russia
Anadyr Airport (DYR)
Anadyr Airport is located approximately 141.67 miles / 228 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is DYR.
Provideniya Bay (PVS)
Provideniya Bay is located approximately 215.62 miles / 347 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is PVS.
Gambell Airport (GAM)
Gambell Airport is located approximately 277.75 miles / 447 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is GAM.
Savoonga Airport (SVA)
Savoonga Airport is located approximately 310.06 miles / 499 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is SVA.
Tin City Air Force Station (TNC)
Tin City Air Force Station is located approximately 318.76 miles / 513 kilometers East (E) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is TNC.
Markovo Airport (KVM)
Markovo Airport is located approximately 320.01 miles / 515 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is KVM.
Port Clarence Airport (KPC)
Port Clarence Airport is located approximately 354.18 miles / 570 kilometers East (E) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is KPC.
Point Hope Airport (PHO)
Point Hope Airport is located approximately 355.42 miles / 572 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is PHO.
Shishmaref Airport (SHH)
Shishmaref Airport is located approximately 361.02 miles / 581 kilometers East (E) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is SHH.
Cape Lisburne Airport (LUR)
Cape Lisburne Airport is located approximately 384.01 miles / 618 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Egvekinot. IATA airport code is LUR.