Closest Airport to Bikaner, Airports Near Bikaner, India
The closest airport to Bikaner is Jodhpur Airport (JDH). Distance from Jodhpur Airport to Bikaner is 123.49 miles or 198.73 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bikaner
- Jodhpur Airport (198.73 Km)
- Bahawalpur Airport (214.21 Km)
- Kishangarh Airport Ajmer (217.59 Km)
- Sanganeer Airport (280.46 Km)
- Rahim Yar Khan Airport (299.84 Km)
- Multan Airport (304.27 Km)
- Faisalabad Airport (372.88 Km)
- Indira Gandhi International Airport (376.06 Km)
- Dabok Airport (383.09 Km)
- Lahore Airport (403.04 Km)
List of Airports close to Bikaner, India
Jodhpur Airport (JDH)
Jodhpur Airport is located approximately 123.03 miles / 198 kilometers South (S) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is JDH.
Bahawalpur Airport (BHV)
Bahawalpur Airport is located approximately 132.97 miles / 214 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is BHV.
Kishangarh Airport Ajmer (KQH)
Kishangarh Airport Ajmer is located approximately 134.84 miles / 217 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is KQH.
Sanganeer Airport (JAI)
Sanganeer Airport is located approximately 173.98 miles / 280 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is JAI.
Rahim Yar Khan Airport (RYK)
Rahim Yar Khan Airport is located approximately 185.79 miles / 299 kilometers West (W) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is RYK.
Multan Airport (MUX)
Multan Airport is located approximately 188.9 miles / 304 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is MUX.
Faisalabad Airport (LYP)
Faisalabad Airport is located approximately 231.15 miles / 372 kilometers North (N) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is LYP.
Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL)
Indira Gandhi International Airport is located approximately 233.64 miles / 376 kilometers East (E) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is DEL.
Dabok Airport (UDR)
Dabok Airport is located approximately 237.99 miles / 383 kilometers South (S) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is UDR.
Lahore Airport (LHE)
Lahore Airport is located approximately 250.41 miles / 403 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bikaner. IATA airport code is LHE.