Closest Airport to Bhopal, Airports Near Bhopal, India
The closest airport to Bhopal is Bhopal Airport (BHO). Distance from Bhopal Airport to Bhopal is 5.14 miles or 8.27 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bhopal
- Bhopal Airport (8.27 Km)
- Indore Airport (175.47 Km)
- Kota Airport (264.38 Km)
- Jabalpur Airport (269.87 Km)
- Akola Airport (287.09 Km)
- Sonegaon Airport (293.98 Km)
- Khajuraho Airport (307.8 Km)
- Gwalior Airport (347.19 Km)
- Gondia Airport (353.07 Km)
- Satna Airport (378.68 Km)
List of Airports close to Bhopal, India
Bhopal Airport (BHO)
Bhopal Airport is located approximately 4.97 miles / 8 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is BHO.
Indore Airport (IDR)
Indore Airport is located approximately 108.74 miles / 175 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is IDR.
Kota Airport (KTU)
Kota Airport is located approximately 164.04 miles / 264 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is KTU.
Jabalpur Airport (JLR)
Jabalpur Airport is located approximately 167.15 miles / 269 kilometers East (E) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is JLR.
Akola Airport (AKD)
Akola Airport is located approximately 178.33 miles / 287 kilometers South (S) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is AKD.
Sonegaon Airport (NAG)
Sonegaon Airport is located approximately 182.06 miles / 293 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is NAG.
Khajuraho Airport (HJR)
Khajuraho Airport is located approximately 190.76 miles / 307 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is HJR.
Gwalior Airport (GWL)
Gwalior Airport is located approximately 215.62 miles / 347 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is GWL.
Gondia Airport (GDB)
Gondia Airport is located approximately 219.34 miles / 353 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is GDB.
Satna Airport (TNI)
Satna Airport is located approximately 234.88 miles / 378 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Bhopal. IATA airport code is TNI.