Closest Airport to Berlin, Airports Near Berlin, United States

The closest airport to Berlin is Harry Clever Airport (PHD). Distance from Harry Clever Airport to Berlin is 20.63 miles / 33.2 kilometers.

List of Airports close to Berlin

Harry Clever Airport (PHD)

Harry Clever Airport is located approximately 20.51 miles / 33 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is PHD.

Wayne County Airport (BJJ)

Wayne County Airport is located approximately 21.75 miles / 35 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is BJJ.

Akron/Canton Regional Airport (CAK)

Akron/Canton Regional Airport is located approximately 30.45 miles / 49 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is CAK.

Fulton International Airport (AKC)

Fulton International Airport is located approximately 36.66 miles / 59 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is AKC.

Tresco Airport (TSO)

Tresco Airport is located approximately 37.28 miles / 60 kilometers East (E) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is TSO.

Lahm Municipal Airport (MFD)

Lahm Municipal Airport is located approximately 41.63 miles / 67 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is MFD.

Zanesville Airport (ZZV)

Zanesville Airport is located approximately 42.87 miles / 69 kilometers South (S) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is ZZV.

Galion Airport (GQQ)

Galion Airport is located approximately 50.33 miles / 81 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is GQQ.

Victoria Airport (VTA)

Victoria Airport is located approximately 50.95 miles / 82 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is VTA.

Hopkins International Airport (CLE)

Hopkins International Airport is located approximately 58.41 miles / 94 kilometers North (N) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is CLE.

Ohio County Airport (HLG)

Ohio County Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is HLG.

Burke Lakefront Airport (BKL)

Burke Lakefront Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers North (N) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is BKL.

Marion Municipal Airport (MNN)

Marion Municipal Airport is located approximately 66.49 miles / 107 kilometers West (W) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is MNN.

Glendale Airport (GWV)

Glendale Airport is located approximately 68.97 miles / 111 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is GWV.

Port Columbus International Airport (CMH)

Port Columbus International Airport is located approximately 69.59 miles / 112 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is CMH.

Cuyahoga County Airport (CGF)

Cuyahoga County Airport is located approximately 70.84 miles / 114 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is CGF.

Beaver Falls Airport (BFP)

Beaver Falls Airport is located approximately 74.56 miles / 120 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is BFP.

Griffin Sandusky Airport (SKY)

Griffin Sandusky Airport is located approximately 74.56 miles / 120 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is SKY.

Ohio State University Airport (OSU)

Ohio State University Airport is located approximately 74.56 miles / 120 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is OSU.

Youngstown Airport (YNG)

Youngstown Airport is located approximately 75.19 miles / 121 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Berlin. IATA airport code is YNG.