Closest Airport to Bentiu Town, Airports Near Bentiu Town, South Sudan
The closest airport to Bentiu Town is Heglig Airport (HEG). Distance from Heglig Airport to Bentiu Town is 58.59 miles or 94.29 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bentiu Town
- Heglig Airport (94.29 Km)
- Malakal Airport (206.6 Km)
- Kadugli Airport (210.91 Km)
- Wau Airport (261.9 Km)
- Rumbek Airport (269.3 Km)
- En Nahud Airport (412.82 Km)
- El Obeid Airport (437.33 Km)
- Beica Airport (518.78 Km)
- Juba Airport (525.29 Km)
- Asosa Airport (532.13 Km)
List of Airports close to Bentiu Town, South Sudan
Heglig Airport (HEG)
Heglig Airport is located approximately 58.41 miles / 94 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is HEG.
Malakal Airport (MAK)
Malakal Airport is located approximately 128 miles / 206 kilometers East (E) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is MAK.
Kadugli Airport (KDX)
Kadugli Airport is located approximately 130.49 miles / 210 kilometers North (N) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is KDX.
Wau Airport (WUU)
Wau Airport is located approximately 162.18 miles / 261 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is WUU.
Rumbek Airport (RBX)
Rumbek Airport is located approximately 167.15 miles / 269 kilometers South (S) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is RBX.
En Nahud Airport (NUD)
En Nahud Airport is located approximately 256 miles / 412 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is NUD.
El Obeid Airport (EBD)
El Obeid Airport is located approximately 271.54 miles / 437 kilometers North (N) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is EBD.
Beica Airport (BEI)
Beica Airport is located approximately 321.87 miles / 518 kilometers East (E) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is BEI.
Juba Airport (JUB)
Juba Airport is located approximately 326.22 miles / 525 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is JUB.
Asosa Airport (ASO)
Asosa Airport is located approximately 330.57 miles / 532 kilometers East (E) of central Bentiu Town. IATA airport code is ASO.