Closest Airport to Beloit, Airports Near Beloit, United States
The closest airport to Beloit is Rock County Airport (JVL). Distance from Rock County Airport to Beloit is 7.75 miles or 12.47 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Beloit
- Rock County Airport (12.47 Km)
- Chicago/Rockford International Airport (35.22 Km)
- Albertus Airport (53.78 Km)
- Dane County Regional Airport (74.52 Km)
- Waukesha Airport (87.84 Km)
- Kenosha Municipal Airport (90.95 Km)
- Dupage County Airport (92.94 Km)
- Aurora Municipal Airport (93.85 Km)
- Waukegan Memorial Airport (95.95 Km)
- Whiteside County Airport (100.35 Km)
List of Airports close to Beloit, United States
Rock County Airport (JVL)
Rock County Airport is located approximately 7.46 miles / 12 kilometers North (N) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is JVL.
Chicago/Rockford International Airport (RFD)
Chicago/Rockford International Airport is located approximately 21.75 miles / 35 kilometers South (S) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is RFD.
Albertus Airport (FEP)
Albertus Airport is located approximately 32.93 miles / 53 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is FEP.
Dane County Regional Airport (MSN)
Dane County Regional Airport is located approximately 45.98 miles / 74 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is MSN.
Waukesha Airport (UES)
Waukesha Airport is located approximately 54.06 miles / 87 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is UES.
Kenosha Municipal Airport (ENW)
Kenosha Municipal Airport is located approximately 55.92 miles / 90 kilometers East (E) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is ENW.
Dupage County Airport (DPA)
Dupage County Airport is located approximately 57.17 miles / 92 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is DPA.
Aurora Municipal Airport (AUZ)
Aurora Municipal Airport is located approximately 57.79 miles / 93 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is AUZ.
Waukegan Memorial Airport (UGN)
Waukegan Memorial Airport is located approximately 59.03 miles / 95 kilometers East (E) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is UGN.
Whiteside County Airport (SQI)
Whiteside County Airport is located approximately 62.14 miles / 100 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Beloit. IATA airport code is SQI.