Closest Airport to Bellingham, Airports Near Bellingham, United States
The closest airport to Bellingham is Bellingham Airport (BLI). Distance from Bellingham Airport to Bellingham is 3.89 miles or 6.26 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bellingham
- Bellingham Airport (6.26 Km)
- Abbotsford Airport (31.59 Km)
- Orcas Island Airport (32.04 Km)
- Skagit Regional Airport (38.78 Km)
- Langley Regional Airport (40.36 Km)
- Ault Field (46.36 Km)
- Friday Harbor Airport (47.53 Km)
- Chilliwack Airport (59.5 Km)
- Victoria International Airport (70.5 Km)
- Vancouver International Airport (71.17 Km)
List of Airports close to Bellingham, United States
Bellingham Airport (BLI)
Bellingham Airport is located approximately 3.73 miles / 6 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is BLI.
Abbotsford Airport (YXX)
Abbotsford Airport is located approximately 19.26 miles / 31 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is YXX.
Orcas Island Airport (ESD)
Orcas Island Airport is located approximately 19.88 miles / 32 kilometers West (W) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is ESD.
Skagit Regional Airport (MVW)
Skagit Regional Airport is located approximately 23.61 miles / 38 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is MVW.
Langley Regional Airport (YLY)
Langley Regional Airport is located approximately 24.85 miles / 40 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is YLY.
Ault Field (NUW)
Ault Field is located approximately 28.58 miles / 46 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is NUW.
Friday Harbor Airport (FRD)
Friday Harbor Airport is located approximately 29.2 miles / 47 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is FRD.
Chilliwack Airport (YCW)
Chilliwack Airport is located approximately 36.66 miles / 59 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is YCW.
Victoria International Airport (YYJ)
Victoria International Airport is located approximately 43.5 miles / 70 kilometers West (W) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is YYJ.
Vancouver International Airport (YVR)
Vancouver International Airport is located approximately 44.12 miles / 71 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bellingham. IATA airport code is YVR.