Closest Airport to Beatty, Airports Near Beatty, United States
The closest airport to Beatty is Kingsley Field (LMT). Distance from Kingsley Field to Beatty is 30.79 miles or 49.55 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Beatty
- Kingsley Field (49.55 Km)
- Lake County Airport (78.19 Km)
- Ashland Municipal Sumner Parker Field (117.67 Km)
- Montague-Yreka Rohrer Field (131.64 Km)
- Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport (131.79 Km)
- Grants Pass Airport (173.8 Km)
- Roseburg Municipal Airport (191.7 Km)
- Roberts Field (201.75 Km)
- Burns Airport (227.56 Km)
- Benton Field (228.16 Km)
List of Airports close to Beatty, United States
Kingsley Field (LMT)
Kingsley Field is located approximately 30.45 miles / 49 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is LMT.
Lake County Airport (LKV)
Lake County Airport is located approximately 48.47 miles / 78 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is LKV.
Ashland Municipal Sumner Parker Field (AHM)
Ashland Municipal Sumner Parker Field is located approximately 72.7 miles / 117 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is AHM.
Montague-Yreka Rohrer Field (ROF)
Montague-Yreka Rohrer Field is located approximately 81.4 miles / 131 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is ROF.
Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport (MFR)
Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport is located approximately 81.4 miles / 131 kilometers West (W) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is MFR.
Grants Pass Airport (GTP)
Grants Pass Airport is located approximately 107.5 miles / 173 kilometers West (W) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is GTP.
Roseburg Municipal Airport (RBG)
Roseburg Municipal Airport is located approximately 118.68 miles / 191 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is RBG.
Roberts Field (RDM)
Roberts Field is located approximately 124.9 miles / 201 kilometers North (N) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is RDM.
Burns Airport (BNO)
Burns Airport is located approximately 141.05 miles / 227 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is BNO.
Benton Field (BZF)
Benton Field is located approximately 141.67 miles / 228 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Beatty. IATA airport code is BZF.