Closest Airport to Baramati Rural, Airports Near Baramati Rural, India
The closest airport to Baramati Rural is Lohegaon Airport (PNQ). Distance from Lohegaon Airport to Baramati Rural is 49.71 miles or 80 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Baramati Rural
- Lohegaon Airport (80 Km)
- Sholapur Airport (159.72 Km)
- Kolhapur Airport (167.97 Km)
- Ratnagiri Airport (180.17 Km)
- Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (203.61 Km)
- Murod Kond Airport (206.03 Km)
- Chikkalthana Airport (210.35 Km)
- Sambre Airport (255.71 Km)
- Mopa International Airport (277.67 Km)
- Bidar Airport / Bidar Air Force Station (313.71 Km)
List of Airports close to Baramati Rural, India
Lohegaon Airport (PNQ)
Lohegaon Airport is located approximately 49.71 miles / 80 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is PNQ.
Sholapur Airport (SSE)
Sholapur Airport is located approximately 98.8 miles / 159 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is SSE.
Kolhapur Airport (KLH)
Kolhapur Airport is located approximately 103.77 miles / 167 kilometers South (S) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is KLH.
Ratnagiri Airport (RTC)
Ratnagiri Airport is located approximately 111.85 miles / 180 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is RTC.
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM)
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport is located approximately 126.14 miles / 203 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is BOM.
Murod Kond Airport (LTU)
Murod Kond Airport is located approximately 128 miles / 206 kilometers East (E) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is LTU.
Chikkalthana Airport (IXU)
Chikkalthana Airport is located approximately 130.49 miles / 210 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is IXU.
Sambre Airport (IXG)
Sambre Airport is located approximately 158.45 miles / 255 kilometers South (S) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is IXG.
Mopa International Airport (GOX)
Mopa International Airport is located approximately 172.12 miles / 277 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is GOX.
Bidar Airport / Bidar Air Force Station (IXX)
Bidar Airport / Bidar Air Force Station is located approximately 194.49 miles / 313 kilometers East (E) of central Baramati Rural. IATA airport code is IXX.