Closest Airport to Baracoa, Airports Near Baracoa, Cuba

The closest airport to Baracoa is Baracoa Airport (BCA). Distance from Baracoa Airport to Baracoa is 1.26 miles or 2.02 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Baracoa

List of Airports close to Baracoa, Cuba

Baracoa Airport (BCA)

Baracoa Airport is located approximately 1.24 miles / 2 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is BCA.

Punta de Maisi Airport (UMA)

Punta de Maisi Airport is located approximately 23.61 miles / 38 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is UMA.

Orestes Acosta Airport (MOA)

Orestes Acosta Airport is located approximately 34.18 miles / 55 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is MOA.

Los Canos Airport (GAO)

Los Canos Airport is located approximately 45.98 miles / 74 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is GAO.

Guantanamo Naval Air Station (NBW)

Guantanamo Naval Air Station is located approximately 54.68 miles / 88 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is NBW.

Inagua Airport (IGA)

Inagua Airport is located approximately 68.97 miles / 111 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is IGA.

Nicaro Airport (ICR)

Nicaro Airport is located approximately 70.21 miles / 113 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is ICR.

Antonio Maceo Airport (SCU)

Antonio Maceo Airport is located approximately 90.1 miles / 145 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is SCU.

Port De Paix Airport (PAX)

Port De Paix Airport is located approximately 110.6 miles / 178 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is PAX.

Jeremie Airport (JEE)

Jeremie Airport is located approximately 118.06 miles / 190 kilometers South (S) of central Baracoa. IATA airport code is JEE.