Closest Airport to Baraboo, Airports Near Baraboo, United States
The closest airport to Baraboo is Dillon Airport (DLL). Distance from Dillon Airport to Baraboo is 3.76 miles or 6.05 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Baraboo
- Dillon Airport (6.05 Km)
- Tri County Airport (45.51 Km)
- Dane County Regional Airport (49.4 Km)
- Volk Field (66.19 Km)
- Dodge County Airport (84.14 Km)
- Camp McCoy Army Air Field (96.5 Km)
- Alexander Field (99.17 Km)
- Fond Du Lac Airport (106.46 Km)
- Rock County Airport (110.51 Km)
- Wittman Field (111.17 Km)
List of Airports close to Baraboo, United States
Dillon Airport (DLL)
Dillon Airport is located approximately 3.73 miles / 6 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is DLL.
Tri County Airport (LNR)
Tri County Airport is located approximately 27.96 miles / 45 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is LNR.
Dane County Regional Airport (MSN)
Dane County Regional Airport is located approximately 30.45 miles / 49 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is MSN.
Volk Field (VOK)
Volk Field is located approximately 41.01 miles / 66 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is VOK.
Dodge County Airport (UNU)
Dodge County Airport is located approximately 52.2 miles / 84 kilometers East (E) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is UNU.
Camp McCoy Army Air Field (CMY)
Camp McCoy Army Air Field is located approximately 59.65 miles / 96 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is CMY.
Alexander Field (ISW)
Alexander Field is located approximately 61.52 miles / 99 kilometers North (N) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is ISW.
Fond Du Lac Airport (FLD)
Fond Du Lac Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is FLD.
Rock County Airport (JVL)
Rock County Airport is located approximately 68.35 miles / 110 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is JVL.
Wittman Field (OSH)
Wittman Field is located approximately 68.97 miles / 111 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Baraboo. IATA airport code is OSH.