Closest Airport to Bar Harbor, Airports Near Bar Harbor, United States
The closest airport to Bar Harbor is Bar Harbor Airport (BHB). Distance from Bar Harbor Airport to Bar Harbor is 8.89 miles or 14.3 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bar Harbor
- Bar Harbor Airport (14.3 Km)
- Bangor International Airport (67.99 Km)
- Old Town Airport (73.03 Km)
- Knox County Regional Airport (80.1 Km)
- Princeton Airport (103.54 Km)
- Robert Lafleur Airport (117.91 Km)
- Augusta Airport (126.91 Km)
- Wiscasset Airport (129.31 Km)
- Central Maine Airport (136.69 Km)
- Naval Air Station (148.98 Km)
List of Airports close to Bar Harbor, United States
Bar Harbor Airport (BHB)
Bar Harbor Airport is located approximately 8.7 miles / 14 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is BHB.
Bangor International Airport (BGR)
Bangor International Airport is located approximately 41.63 miles / 67 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is BGR.
Old Town Airport (OLD)
Old Town Airport is located approximately 45.36 miles / 73 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is OLD.
Knox County Regional Airport (RKD)
Knox County Regional Airport is located approximately 49.71 miles / 80 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is RKD.
Princeton Airport (PNN)
Princeton Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is PNN.
Robert Lafleur Airport (WVL)
Robert Lafleur Airport is located approximately 72.7 miles / 117 kilometers West (W) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is WVL.
Augusta Airport (AUG)
Augusta Airport is located approximately 78.29 miles / 126 kilometers West (W) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is AUG.
Wiscasset Airport (ISS)
Wiscasset Airport is located approximately 80.16 miles / 129 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is ISS.
Central Maine Airport (OWK)
Central Maine Airport is located approximately 84.51 miles / 136 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is OWK.
Naval Air Station (NHZ)
Naval Air Station is located approximately 91.96 miles / 148 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bar Harbor. IATA airport code is NHZ.