Closest Airport to Baotou, Airports Near Baotou, China
The closest airport to Baotou is Baotou Airport (BAV). Distance from Baotou Airport to Baotou is 10.64 miles or 17.13 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Baotou
- Baotou Airport (17.13 Km)
- Hohhot Airport (168.47 Km)
- Bayannur Tianjitai Airport (179.06 Km)
- Ulanqab Jining Airport (279.57 Km)
- Lüliang Dawu Airport (349.28 Km)
- Xinzhou Wutaishan Airport (352.51 Km)
- Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport (359.45 Km)
- Taiyuan Airport (403.03 Km)
- Yinchuan Airport (407.83 Km)
- Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport (421.09 Km)
List of Airports close to Baotou, China
Baotou Airport (BAV)
Baotou Airport is located approximately 10.56 miles / 17 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is BAV.
Hohhot Airport (HET)
Hohhot Airport is located approximately 104.39 miles / 168 kilometers East (E) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is HET.
Bayannur Tianjitai Airport (RLK)
Bayannur Tianjitai Airport is located approximately 111.23 miles / 179 kilometers West (W) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is RLK.
Ulanqab Jining Airport (UCB)
Ulanqab Jining Airport is located approximately 173.36 miles / 279 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is UCB.
Lüliang Dawu Airport (LLV)
Lüliang Dawu Airport is located approximately 216.86 miles / 349 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is LLV.
Xinzhou Wutaishan Airport (WUT)
Xinzhou Wutaishan Airport is located approximately 218.72 miles / 352 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is WUT.
Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport (ERL)
Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport is located approximately 223.07 miles / 359 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is ERL.
Taiyuan Airport (TYN)
Taiyuan Airport is located approximately 250.41 miles / 403 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is TYN.
Yinchuan Airport (INC)
Yinchuan Airport is located approximately 252.9 miles / 407 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is INC.
Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport (AXF)
Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport is located approximately 261.6 miles / 421 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Baotou. IATA airport code is AXF.