Closest Airport to Bangkok, Airports Near Bangkok, Thailand
The closest airport to Bangkok is Don Muang International Airport (DMK). Distance from Don Muang International Airport to Bangkok is 12.9 miles or 20.76 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bangkok
- Don Muang International Airport (20.76 Km)
- Suvarnabhumi Airport (27.82 Km)
- Utapao Airport (131.51 Km)
- Lop Buri Airport (133.53 Km)
- Hua Hin Airport (138.07 Km)
- Takhli Airport (170.57 Km)
- Nakhon Ratchasima Airport (235.95 Km)
- Myeik Airport (250.79 Km)
- Dawe Airport (251.02 Km)
- Battambang Airport (303.45 Km)
List of Airports close to Bangkok, Thailand
Don Muang International Airport (DMK)
Don Muang International Airport is located approximately 12.43 miles / 20 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is DMK.
Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK)
Suvarnabhumi Airport is located approximately 16.78 miles / 27 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is BKK.
Utapao Airport (UTP)
Utapao Airport is located approximately 81.4 miles / 131 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is UTP.
Lop Buri Airport (KKM)
Lop Buri Airport is located approximately 82.64 miles / 133 kilometers North (N) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is KKM.
Hua Hin Airport (HHQ)
Hua Hin Airport is located approximately 85.75 miles / 138 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is HHQ.
Takhli Airport (TKH)
Takhli Airport is located approximately 105.63 miles / 170 kilometers North (N) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is TKH.
Nakhon Ratchasima Airport (NAK)
Nakhon Ratchasima Airport is located approximately 146.02 miles / 235 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is NAK.
Myeik Airport (MGZ)
Myeik Airport is located approximately 155.34 miles / 250 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is MGZ.
Dawe Airport (TVY)
Dawe Airport is located approximately 155.96 miles / 251 kilometers West (W) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is TVY.
Battambang Airport (BBM)
Battambang Airport is located approximately 188.28 miles / 303 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Bangkok. IATA airport code is BBM.