Closest Airport to Banda Aceh, Airports Near Banda Aceh, Indonesia
The closest airport to Banda Aceh is Blang Bintang Airport (BTJ). Distance from Blang Bintang Airport to Banda Aceh is 6.86 miles or 11.05 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Banda Aceh
- Blang Bintang Airport (11.05 Km)
- Sabang Airport (36.27 Km)
- Rembele Airport (192.62 Km)
- Alas Leuser Airport (369.85 Km)
- Polania Airport (432.06 Km)
- Phuket International Airport (436.49 Km)
- Car Nicobar Airport (486.68 Km)
- Krabi Airport (493.89 Km)
- Langkawi Airport (494.86 Km)
- Sibisa Airport (512.74 Km)
List of Airports close to Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Blang Bintang Airport (BTJ)
Blang Bintang Airport is located approximately 6.84 miles / 11 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is BTJ.
Sabang Airport (SBG)
Sabang Airport is located approximately 22.37 miles / 36 kilometers North (N) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is SBG.
Rembele Airport (TXE)
Rembele Airport is located approximately 119.3 miles / 192 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is TXE.
Alas Leuser Airport (LSR)
Alas Leuser Airport is located approximately 229.29 miles / 369 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is LSR.
Polania Airport (MES)
Polania Airport is located approximately 268.43 miles / 432 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is MES.
Phuket International Airport (HKT)
Phuket International Airport is located approximately 270.92 miles / 436 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is HKT.
Car Nicobar Airport (CBD)
Car Nicobar Airport is located approximately 301.99 miles / 486 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is CBD.
Krabi Airport (KBV)
Krabi Airport is located approximately 306.34 miles / 493 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is KBV.
Langkawi Airport (LGK)
Langkawi Airport is located approximately 306.96 miles / 494 kilometers East (E) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is LGK.
Sibisa Airport (SIW)
Sibisa Airport is located approximately 318.14 miles / 512 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Banda Aceh. IATA airport code is SIW.