Closest Airport to Balkanabat, Airports Near Balkanabat, Turkmenistan
The closest airport to Balkanabat is Kalaleh Airport (KLM). Distance from Kalaleh Airport to Balkanabat is 159.75 miles or 257.09 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Balkanabat
- Kalaleh Airport (257.09 Km)
- Dashte Naz Airport (336.34 Km)
- Bojnord Airport (343.3 Km)
- Shahroud Airport (351.06 Km)
- Ashgabat Airport (388.57 Km)
- Ramsar Airport (431.81 Km)
- Rasht Airport (479.02 Km)
- Lankaran International Airport (483.63 Km)
- Mehrabad Airport (502.62 Km)
- Payam Karaj International Airport (518.67 Km)
List of Airports close to Balkanabat, Turkmenistan
Kalaleh Airport (KLM)
Kalaleh Airport is located approximately 159.69 miles / 257 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is KLM.
Dashte Naz Airport (SRY)
Dashte Naz Airport is located approximately 208.78 miles / 336 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is SRY.
Bojnord Airport (BJB)
Bojnord Airport is located approximately 213.13 miles / 343 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is BJB.
Shahroud Airport (RUD)
Shahroud Airport is located approximately 218.1 miles / 351 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is RUD.
Ashgabat Airport (ASB)
Ashgabat Airport is located approximately 241.09 miles / 388 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is ASB.
Ramsar Airport (RZR)
Ramsar Airport is located approximately 267.81 miles / 431 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is RZR.
Rasht Airport (RAS)
Rasht Airport is located approximately 297.64 miles / 479 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is RAS.
Lankaran International Airport (LLK)
Lankaran International Airport is located approximately 300.12 miles / 483 kilometers West (W) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is LLK.
Mehrabad Airport (THR)
Mehrabad Airport is located approximately 311.93 miles / 502 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is THR.
Payam Karaj International Airport (PYK)
Payam Karaj International Airport is located approximately 321.87 miles / 518 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Balkanabat. IATA airport code is PYK.