Closest Airport to Bald Head Island, Airports Near Bald Head Island, United States
The closest airport to Bald Head Island is Wilmington International Airport (ILM). Distance from Wilmington International Airport to Bald Head Island is 28 miles or 45.07 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bald Head Island
- Wilmington International Airport (45.07 Km)
- Grand Strand Airport (67.07 Km)
- Myrtle Beach International Airport (88.33 Km)
- Albert J Ellis Airport (112.09 Km)
- Sampson County Airport (126.92 Km)
- Lumberton Airport (127.11 Km)
- Georgetown Airport (137.15 Km)
- Fayetteville Municipal Airport (148.11 Km)
- Andrews Airport (148.7 Km)
- Maxton Airport (156.45 Km)
List of Airports close to Bald Head Island, United States
Wilmington International Airport (ILM)
Wilmington International Airport is located approximately 27.96 miles / 45 kilometers North (N) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is ILM.
Grand Strand Airport (CRE)
Grand Strand Airport is located approximately 41.63 miles / 67 kilometers West (W) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is CRE.
Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR)
Myrtle Beach International Airport is located approximately 54.68 miles / 88 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is MYR.
Albert J Ellis Airport (OAJ)
Albert J Ellis Airport is located approximately 69.59 miles / 112 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is OAJ.
Sampson County Airport (CTZ)
Sampson County Airport is located approximately 78.29 miles / 126 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is CTZ.
Lumberton Airport (LBT)
Lumberton Airport is located approximately 78.91 miles / 127 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is LBT.
Georgetown Airport (GGE)
Georgetown Airport is located approximately 85.13 miles / 137 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is GGE.
Fayetteville Municipal Airport (FAY)
Fayetteville Municipal Airport is located approximately 91.96 miles / 148 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is FAY.
Andrews Airport (ADR)
Andrews Airport is located approximately 91.96 miles / 148 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is ADR.
Maxton Airport (MXE)
Maxton Airport is located approximately 96.93 miles / 156 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bald Head Island. IATA airport code is MXE.