Closest Airport to Baiyun, Airports Near Baiyun, China
The closest airport to Baiyun is Baiyun Airport (CAN). Distance from Baiyun Airport to Baiyun is 16.28 miles or 26.21 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Baiyun
- Baiyun Airport (26.21 Km)
- Shenzhen Airport (79.75 Km)
- Hong Kong International Airport (115.08 Km)
- Macau Airport (116.79 Km)
- Zhuhai Airport (128.48 Km)
- Chenzhou Beihu Airport (291.84 Km)
- Mei Xian Airport (319.8 Km)
- Yulin Fumian Airport (332.9 Km)
- Shantou Airport (357.56 Km)
- Zhanjiang Airport (369.84 Km)
List of Airports close to Baiyun, China
Baiyun Airport (CAN)
Baiyun Airport is located approximately 16.16 miles / 26 kilometers North (N) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is CAN.
Shenzhen Airport (SZX)
Shenzhen Airport is located approximately 49.09 miles / 79 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is SZX.
Hong Kong International Airport (HKG)
Hong Kong International Airport is located approximately 71.46 miles / 115 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is HKG.
Macau Airport (MFM)
Macau Airport is located approximately 72.08 miles / 116 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is MFM.
Zhuhai Airport (ZUH)
Zhuhai Airport is located approximately 79.54 miles / 128 kilometers South (S) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is ZUH.
Chenzhou Beihu Airport (HCZ)
Chenzhou Beihu Airport is located approximately 180.82 miles / 291 kilometers North (N) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is HCZ.
Mei Xian Airport (MXZ)
Mei Xian Airport is located approximately 198.22 miles / 319 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is MXZ.
Yulin Fumian Airport (YLX)
Yulin Fumian Airport is located approximately 206.3 miles / 332 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is YLX.
Shantou Airport (SWA)
Shantou Airport is located approximately 221.83 miles / 357 kilometers East (E) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is SWA.
Zhanjiang Airport (ZHA)
Zhanjiang Airport is located approximately 229.29 miles / 369 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Baiyun. IATA airport code is ZHA.