Closest Airport to Bahía Blanca, Airports Near Bahía Blanca, Argentina
The closest airport to Bahía Blanca is Comandante Airport (BHI). Distance from Comandante Airport to Bahía Blanca is 5.25 miles or 8.45 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bahía Blanca
- Comandante Airport (8.45 Km)
- Brigadier Hector Ruiz (146.77 Km)
- Tres Arroyos Airport (172.39 Km)
- Viedma Airport (247.25 Km)
- Santa Rosa Airport (295.6 Km)
- Necochea Airport (300.85 Km)
- Tandil Airport (313.09 Km)
- Pehuajo Airport (321.58 Km)
- San Antonio Oeste Airport (327.25 Km)
- General Pico Airport (361.07 Km)
List of Airports close to Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Comandante Airport (BHI)
Comandante Airport is located approximately 4.97 miles / 8 kilometers East (E) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is BHI.
Brigadier Hector Ruiz (CSZ)
Brigadier Hector Ruiz is located approximately 90.72 miles / 146 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is CSZ.
Tres Arroyos Airport (OYO)
Tres Arroyos Airport is located approximately 106.88 miles / 172 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is OYO.
Viedma Airport (VDM)
Viedma Airport is located approximately 153.48 miles / 247 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is VDM.
Santa Rosa Airport (RSA)
Santa Rosa Airport is located approximately 183.3 miles / 295 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is RSA.
Necochea Airport (NEC)
Necochea Airport is located approximately 186.41 miles / 300 kilometers East (E) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is NEC.
Tandil Airport (TDL)
Tandil Airport is located approximately 194.49 miles / 313 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is TDL.
Pehuajo Airport (PEH)
Pehuajo Airport is located approximately 199.46 miles / 321 kilometers North (N) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is PEH.
San Antonio Oeste Airport (OES)
San Antonio Oeste Airport is located approximately 203.19 miles / 327 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is OES.
General Pico Airport (GPO)
General Pico Airport is located approximately 224.31 miles / 361 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Bahía Blanca. IATA airport code is GPO.