Closest Airport to Bahamas, Airports Near Bahamas, The Bahamas
The closest airport to Bahamas is South Eleuthera Airport (RSD). Distance from South Eleuthera Airport to Bahamas is 13.6 miles or 21.89 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Bahamas
- South Eleuthera Airport (21.89 Km)
- Governor's Harbour Airport (29.82 Km)
- Cape Eleuthera Airport (37.44 Km)
- Arthur's Town Airport (68.66 Km)
- North Eleuthera International Airport (70.36 Km)
- Normans Cay Airport (88.61 Km)
- Staniel Cay Airport (106.77 Km)
- Cat Island Airport (109.82 Km)
- Nassau International Airport (134.67 Km)
- Exuma International Airport (171.46 Km)
List of Airports close to Bahamas, The Bahamas
South Eleuthera Airport (RSD)
South Eleuthera Airport is located approximately 13.05 miles / 21 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is RSD.
Governor's Harbour Airport (GHB)
Governor's Harbour Airport is located approximately 18.02 miles / 29 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is GHB.
Cape Eleuthera Airport (CEL)
Cape Eleuthera Airport is located approximately 22.99 miles / 37 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is CEL.
Arthur's Town Airport (ATC)
Arthur's Town Airport is located approximately 42.25 miles / 68 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is ATC.
North Eleuthera International Airport (ELH)
North Eleuthera International Airport is located approximately 43.5 miles / 70 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is ELH.
Normans Cay Airport (NMC)
Normans Cay Airport is located approximately 54.68 miles / 88 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is NMC.
Staniel Cay Airport (TYM)
Staniel Cay Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is TYM.
Cat Island Airport (CAT)
Cat Island Airport is located approximately 67.73 miles / 109 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is CAT.
Nassau International Airport (NAS)
Nassau International Airport is located approximately 83.26 miles / 134 kilometers West (W) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is NAS.
Exuma International Airport (GGT)
Exuma International Airport is located approximately 106.25 miles / 171 kilometers South (S) of central Bahamas. IATA airport code is GGT.