Closest Airport to Avvakko, Airports Near Avvakko, Sweden
The closest airport to Avvakko is Gallivare Airport (GEV). Distance from Gallivare Airport to Avvakko is 14.99 miles or 24.12 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Avvakko
- Gallivare Airport (24.12 Km)
- Kiruna Airport (60.24 Km)
- Pajala Airport (90.17 Km)
- Enontekio Airport (153.03 Km)
- Kittila Airport (169.12 Km)
- Kallax Airport (205.98 Km)
- Arvidsjaur Airport (208.61 Km)
- Bardufoss Airport (215.82 Km)
- Evenes Airport (220.8 Km)
- Kemi/Tornio Airport (235.45 Km)
List of Airports close to Avvakko, Sweden
Gallivare Airport (GEV)
Gallivare Airport is located approximately 14.91 miles / 24 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is GEV.
Kiruna Airport (KRN)
Kiruna Airport is located approximately 37.28 miles / 60 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is KRN.
Pajala Airport (PJA)
Pajala Airport is located approximately 55.92 miles / 90 kilometers East (E) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is PJA.
Enontekio Airport (ENF)
Enontekio Airport is located approximately 95.07 miles / 153 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is ENF.
Kittila Airport (KTT)
Kittila Airport is located approximately 105.01 miles / 169 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is KTT.
Kallax Airport (LLA)
Kallax Airport is located approximately 127.38 miles / 205 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is LLA.
Arvidsjaur Airport (AJR)
Arvidsjaur Airport is located approximately 129.25 miles / 208 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is AJR.
Bardufoss Airport (BDU)
Bardufoss Airport is located approximately 133.59 miles / 215 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is BDU.
Evenes Airport (EVE)
Evenes Airport is located approximately 136.7 miles / 220 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is EVE.
Kemi/Tornio Airport (KEM)
Kemi/Tornio Airport is located approximately 146.02 miles / 235 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Avvakko. IATA airport code is KEM.