Closest Airport to Attu Station, Airports Near Attu Station, United States
The closest airport to Attu Station is Eareckson Air Station (SYA). Distance from Eareckson Air Station to Attu Station is 39.27 miles or 63.19 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Attu Station
- Eareckson Air Station (63.19 Km)
- Adak Island Naval Station (697.16 Km)
- Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport (985.59 Km)
- Saint Paul Island Airport (1157.35 Km)
- Markovo Airport (1323.5 Km)
- Emergency Field (1344.14 Km)
- Anadyr Airport (1346.67 Km)
- Gambell Airport (1491.64 Km)
- Provideniya Bay (1496.48 Km)
- Ellis Field (1499.5 Km)
List of Airports close to Attu Station, United States
Eareckson Air Station (SYA)
Eareckson Air Station is located approximately 39.15 miles / 63 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is SYA.
Adak Island Naval Station (ADK)
Adak Island Naval Station is located approximately 433.1 miles / 697 kilometers East (E) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is ADK.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport (PKC)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport is located approximately 612.05 miles / 985 kilometers West (W) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is PKC.
Saint Paul Island Airport (SNP)
Saint Paul Island Airport is located approximately 718.93 miles / 1157 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is SNP.
Markovo Airport (KVM)
Markovo Airport is located approximately 822.07 miles / 1323 kilometers North (N) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is KVM.
Emergency Field (DUT)
Emergency Field is located approximately 835.12 miles / 1344 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is DUT.
Anadyr Airport (DYR)
Anadyr Airport is located approximately 836.37 miles / 1346 kilometers North (N) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is DYR.
Gambell Airport (GAM)
Gambell Airport is located approximately 926.46 miles / 1491 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is GAM.
Provideniya Bay (PVS)
Provideniya Bay is located approximately 929.57 miles / 1496 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is PVS.
Ellis Field (MYU)
Ellis Field is located approximately 931.44 miles / 1499 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Attu Station. IATA airport code is MYU.