Closest Airport to Aspermont, Airports Near Aspermont, United States
The closest airport to Aspermont is Sweetwater Airport (SWW). Distance from Sweetwater Airport to Aspermont is 48.07 miles or 77.37 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Aspermont
- Sweetwater Airport (77.37 Km)
- Winston Field (83.37 Km)
- Dyess Air Force Base (86.57 Km)
- Abilene Municipal Airport (95.12 Km)
- Stephens County Airport (132.96 Km)
- Childress Airport (144.7 Km)
- Wilbarger County Airport (149.58 Km)
- Eastland Municipal Airport (154.83 Km)
- Lubbock International Airport (159.41 Km)
- Coleman Airport (163.15 Km)
List of Airports close to Aspermont, United States
Sweetwater Airport (SWW)
Sweetwater Airport is located approximately 47.85 miles / 77 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is SWW.
Winston Field (SNK)
Winston Field is located approximately 51.57 miles / 83 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is SNK.
Dyess Air Force Base (DYS)
Dyess Air Force Base is located approximately 53.44 miles / 86 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is DYS.
Abilene Municipal Airport (ABI)
Abilene Municipal Airport is located approximately 59.03 miles / 95 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is ABI.
Stephens County Airport (BKD)
Stephens County Airport is located approximately 82.02 miles / 132 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is BKD.
Childress Airport (CDS)
Childress Airport is located approximately 89.48 miles / 144 kilometers North (N) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is CDS.
Wilbarger County Airport (WIB)
Wilbarger County Airport is located approximately 92.58 miles / 149 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is WIB.
Eastland Municipal Airport (ETN)
Eastland Municipal Airport is located approximately 95.69 miles / 154 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is ETN.
Lubbock International Airport (LBB)
Lubbock International Airport is located approximately 98.8 miles / 159 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is LBB.
Coleman Airport (COM)
Coleman Airport is located approximately 101.28 miles / 163 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Aspermont. IATA airport code is COM.