Closest Airport to Ashkelon, Airports Near Ashkelon, Israel
The closest airport to Ashkelon is Gush Katif Airport (GHK). Distance from Gush Katif Airport to Ashkelon is 26.57 miles or 42.77 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Ashkelon
- Gush Katif Airport (42.77 Km)
- Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport (44.74 Km)
- Ben Gurion International Airport (48.19 Km)
- Nevatim Air Base (65.95 Km)
- El Gora Airport (78.95 Km)
- Bar Yehuda Airfield (86 Km)
- Al Arish Airport (96.43 Km)
- Ramon Air Base (99.65 Km)
- Ein Yahav Airfield (130.92 Km)
- Haifa Airport (134.28 Km)
List of Airports close to Ashkelon, Israel
Gush Katif Airport (GHK)
Gush Katif Airport is located approximately 26.1 miles / 42 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is GHK.
Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport (BEV)
Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport is located approximately 27.34 miles / 44 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is BEV.
Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV)
Ben Gurion International Airport is located approximately 29.83 miles / 48 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is TLV.
Nevatim Air Base (VTM)
Nevatim Air Base is located approximately 40.39 miles / 65 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is VTM.
El Gora Airport (EGH)
El Gora Airport is located approximately 48.47 miles / 78 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is EGH.
Bar Yehuda Airfield (MTZ)
Bar Yehuda Airfield is located approximately 52.82 miles / 85 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is MTZ.
Al Arish Airport (AAC)
Al Arish Airport is located approximately 59.65 miles / 96 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is AAC.
Ramon Air Base (MIP)
Ramon Air Base is located approximately 61.52 miles / 99 kilometers South (S) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is MIP.
Ein Yahav Airfield (EIY)
Ein Yahav Airfield is located approximately 80.78 miles / 130 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is EIY.
Haifa Airport (HFA)
Haifa Airport is located approximately 83.26 miles / 134 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Ashkelon. IATA airport code is HFA.