Closest Airport to Ardmore, Airports Near Ardmore, United States
The closest airport to Ardmore is Ardmore Municipal Airport (ADM). Distance from Ardmore Municipal Airport to Ardmore is 11.37 miles or 18.3 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Ardmore
- Ardmore Municipal Airport (18.3 Km)
- Gainesville Municipal Airport (58.26 Km)
- Gisenyi Airport (67.06 Km)
- Eaker Airport (73.67 Km)
- Halliburton Airport (81.89 Km)
- Max Westheimer Airport (122.85 Km)
- Lawton Municipal Airport (124.76 Km)
- Sheppard Air Force Base (125.87 Km)
- Post Aaf (126.99 Km)
- Chickasha Municipal Airport (127.36 Km)
List of Airports close to Ardmore, United States
Ardmore Municipal Airport (ADM)
Ardmore Municipal Airport is located approximately 11.18 miles / 18 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is ADM.
Gainesville Municipal Airport (GLE)
Gainesville Municipal Airport is located approximately 36.04 miles / 58 kilometers South (S) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is GLE.
Gisenyi Airport (GYI)
Gisenyi Airport is located approximately 41.63 miles / 67 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is GYI.
Eaker Airport (DUA)
Eaker Airport is located approximately 45.36 miles / 73 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is DUA.
Halliburton Airport (DUC)
Halliburton Airport is located approximately 50.33 miles / 81 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is DUC.
Max Westheimer Airport (OUN)
Max Westheimer Airport is located approximately 75.81 miles / 122 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is OUN.
Lawton Municipal Airport (LAW)
Lawton Municipal Airport is located approximately 77.05 miles / 124 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is LAW.
Sheppard Air Force Base (SPS)
Sheppard Air Force Base is located approximately 77.67 miles / 125 kilometers West (W) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is SPS.
Post Aaf (FSI)
Post Aaf is located approximately 78.29 miles / 126 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is FSI.
Chickasha Municipal Airport (CHK)
Chickasha Municipal Airport is located approximately 78.91 miles / 127 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Ardmore. IATA airport code is CHK.