Closest Airport to Angling Lake, Airports Near Angling Lake, Canada
The closest airport to Angling Lake is Angling Lake Airport (YAX). Distance from Angling Lake Airport to Angling Lake is 2 miles or 3.22 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Angling Lake
- Angling Lake Airport (3.22 Km)
- Big Trout Airport (24.2 Km)
- Kasabonika Airport (68.44 Km)
- Kingfisher Lake Airport (94.97 Km)
- Bearskin Lake Airport (98.94 Km)
- Wunnummin Lake Airport (106.9 Km)
- Summer Beaver Airport (142.39 Km)
- Muskrat Dam Airport (153.79 Km)
- Round Lake Airport (154.89 Km)
- Webequie Airport (173.52 Km)
List of Airports close to Angling Lake, Canada
Angling Lake Airport (YAX)
Angling Lake Airport is located approximately 1.86 miles / 3 kilometers West (W) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is YAX.
Big Trout Airport (YTL)
Big Trout Airport is located approximately 14.91 miles / 24 kilometers West (W) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is YTL.
Kasabonika Airport (XKS)
Kasabonika Airport is located approximately 42.25 miles / 68 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is XKS.
Kingfisher Lake Airport (KIF)
Kingfisher Lake Airport is located approximately 58.41 miles / 94 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is KIF.
Bearskin Lake Airport (XBE)
Bearskin Lake Airport is located approximately 60.89 miles / 98 kilometers West (W) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is XBE.
Wunnummin Lake Airport (WNN)
Wunnummin Lake Airport is located approximately 65.87 miles / 106 kilometers South (S) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is WNN.
Summer Beaver Airport (SUR)
Summer Beaver Airport is located approximately 88.23 miles / 142 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is SUR.
Muskrat Dam Airport (MSA)
Muskrat Dam Airport is located approximately 95.07 miles / 153 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is MSA.
Round Lake Airport (ZRJ)
Round Lake Airport is located approximately 95.69 miles / 154 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is ZRJ.
Webequie Airport (YWP)
Webequie Airport is located approximately 107.5 miles / 173 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Angling Lake. IATA airport code is YWP.