Closest Airport to Andrews, Airports Near Andrews, United States
The closest airport to Andrews is Mc Ghee Tyson Airport (TYS). Distance from Mc Ghee Tyson Airport to Andrews is 43.16 miles or 69.47 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Andrews
- Mc Ghee Tyson Airport (69.47 Km)
- McMinn County Airport (70.45 Km)
- Gatlinburg Airport (77.69 Km)
- Toccoa Airport (83.07 Km)
- Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport (103.32 Km)
- Oconee County Airport (103.78 Km)
- Dalton Municipal Airport (109.2 Km)
- Pickens Airport (111.02 Km)
- Rockwood Municipal Airport (112.03 Km)
- Asheville Regional Airport (119.22 Km)
List of Airports close to Andrews, United States
Mc Ghee Tyson Airport (TYS)
Mc Ghee Tyson Airport is located approximately 42.87 miles / 69 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is TYS.
McMinn County Airport (MMI)
McMinn County Airport is located approximately 43.5 miles / 70 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is MMI.
Gatlinburg Airport (GKT)
Gatlinburg Airport is located approximately 47.85 miles / 77 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is GKT.
Toccoa Airport (TOC)
Toccoa Airport is located approximately 51.57 miles / 83 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is TOC.
Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport (GVL)
Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers South (S) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is GVL.
Oconee County Airport (CEU)
Oconee County Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is CEU.
Dalton Municipal Airport (DNN)
Dalton Municipal Airport is located approximately 67.73 miles / 109 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is DNN.
Pickens Airport (LQK)
Pickens Airport is located approximately 68.97 miles / 111 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is LQK.
Rockwood Municipal Airport (RKW)
Rockwood Municipal Airport is located approximately 69.59 miles / 112 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is RKW.
Asheville Regional Airport (AVL)
Asheville Regional Airport is located approximately 73.94 miles / 119 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Andrews. IATA airport code is AVL.