Closest Airport to Andreas, Airports Near Andreas, Isle of Man
The closest airport to Andreas is Ronaldsway Airport (IOM). Distance from Ronaldsway Airport to Andreas is 20.95 miles or 33.71 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Andreas
- Ronaldsway Airport (33.71 Km)
- Walney Island Airport (81.29 Km)
- Belfast City Airport (96.14 Km)
- Blackpool Airport (113.89 Km)
- Belfast International Airport (118.59 Km)
- Carlisle Airport (122.92 Km)
- Warton Aerodrome (123.4 Km)
- Anglesey Airport (124.7 Km)
- Prestwick Airport (127.19 Km)
- Machrihanish Airport (142.82 Km)
List of Airports close to Andreas, Isle of Man
Ronaldsway Airport (IOM)
Ronaldsway Airport is located approximately 20.51 miles / 33 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is IOM.
Walney Island Airport (BWF)
Walney Island Airport is located approximately 50.33 miles / 81 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is BWF.
Belfast City Airport (BHD)
Belfast City Airport is located approximately 59.65 miles / 96 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is BHD.
Blackpool Airport (BLK)
Blackpool Airport is located approximately 70.21 miles / 113 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is BLK.
Belfast International Airport (BFS)
Belfast International Airport is located approximately 73.32 miles / 118 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is BFS.
Carlisle Airport (CAX)
Carlisle Airport is located approximately 75.81 miles / 122 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is CAX.
Warton Aerodrome (WRT)
Warton Aerodrome is located approximately 76.43 miles / 123 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is WRT.
Anglesey Airport (VLY)
Anglesey Airport is located approximately 77.05 miles / 124 kilometers South (S) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is VLY.
Prestwick Airport (PIK)
Prestwick Airport is located approximately 78.91 miles / 127 kilometers North (N) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is PIK.
Machrihanish Airport (CAL)
Machrihanish Airport is located approximately 88.23 miles / 142 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Andreas. IATA airport code is CAL.