Closest Airport to Anambra, Airports Near Anambra, Nigeria
The closest airport to Anambra is Enugu Airport (ENU). Distance from Enugu Airport to Anambra is 57.31 miles or 92.23 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Anambra
- Enugu Airport (92.23 Km)
- Sam Mbakwe International Airport (95.64 Km)
- Port Harcourt Airport (130.48 Km)
- Benin City Airport (131.72 Km)
- Akure Airport (202.3 Km)
- Akwa Ibom International Airport (205.11 Km)
- Calabar Airport (218.65 Km)
- Mamfe Airport (284.01 Km)
- International Airport (319.06 Km)
- Ibadan Airport (336.55 Km)
List of Airports close to Anambra, Nigeria
Enugu Airport (ENU)
Enugu Airport is located approximately 57.17 miles / 92 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is ENU.
Sam Mbakwe International Airport (QOW)
Sam Mbakwe International Airport is located approximately 59.03 miles / 95 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is QOW.
Port Harcourt Airport (PHC)
Port Harcourt Airport is located approximately 80.78 miles / 130 kilometers South (S) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is PHC.
Benin City Airport (BNI)
Benin City Airport is located approximately 81.4 miles / 131 kilometers West (W) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is BNI.
Akure Airport (AKR)
Akure Airport is located approximately 125.52 miles / 202 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is AKR.
Akwa Ibom International Airport (QUO)
Akwa Ibom International Airport is located approximately 127.38 miles / 205 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is QUO.
Calabar Airport (CBQ)
Calabar Airport is located approximately 135.46 miles / 218 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is CBQ.
Mamfe Airport (MMF)
Mamfe Airport is located approximately 176.47 miles / 284 kilometers East (E) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is MMF.
International Airport (ABV)
International Airport is located approximately 198.22 miles / 319 kilometers North (N) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is ABV.
Ibadan Airport (IBA)
Ibadan Airport is located approximately 208.78 miles / 336 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Anambra. IATA airport code is IBA.