Closest Airport to American Canyon, Airports Near American Canyon, United States
The closest airport to American Canyon is Napa County Airport (APC). Distance from Napa County Airport to American Canyon is 2.86 miles or 4.6 kilometers.
Nearest airports to American Canyon
- Napa County Airport (4.6 Km)
- Novato Airport (26.05 Km)
- Buchanan Field (27.26 Km)
- Travis Air Force Base (30.71 Km)
- Metropolitan Oakland International Airport (50.56 Km)
- Hayward Air Terminal (58.66 Km)
- Sonoma County Airport (60.81 Km)
- SFO International Airport (62.62 Km)
- Livermore Airport (66.02 Km)
- San Carlos Airport (73.74 Km)
List of Airports close to American Canyon, United States
Napa County Airport (APC)
Napa County Airport is located approximately 2.49 miles / 4 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is APC.
Novato Airport (NOT)
Novato Airport is located approximately 16.16 miles / 26 kilometers West (W) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is NOT.
Buchanan Field (CCR)
Buchanan Field is located approximately 16.78 miles / 27 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is CCR.
Travis Air Force Base (SUU)
Travis Air Force Base is located approximately 18.64 miles / 30 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is SUU.
Metropolitan Oakland International Airport (OAK)
Metropolitan Oakland International Airport is located approximately 31.07 miles / 50 kilometers South (S) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is OAK.
Hayward Air Terminal (HWD)
Hayward Air Terminal is located approximately 36.04 miles / 58 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is HWD.
Sonoma County Airport (STS)
Sonoma County Airport is located approximately 37.28 miles / 60 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is STS.
SFO International Airport (SFO)
SFO International Airport is located approximately 38.53 miles / 62 kilometers South (S) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is SFO.
Livermore Airport (LVK)
Livermore Airport is located approximately 41.01 miles / 66 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is LVK.
San Carlos Airport (SQL)
San Carlos Airport is located approximately 45.36 miles / 73 kilometers South (S) of central American Canyon. IATA airport code is SQL.