Closest Airport to Altus, Airports Near Altus, United States
The closest airport to Altus is Altus Municipal Airport (AXS). Distance from Altus Municipal Airport to Altus is 4.23 miles or 6.8 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Altus
- Altus Municipal Airport (6.8 Km)
- Altus Air Force Base (6.97 Km)
- Frederick Municipal Airport (45.15 Km)
- Wilbarger County Airport (46.05 Km)
- Hobart Airport (47.02 Km)
- Sherman Airport (79.01 Km)
- Lawton Municipal Airport (84.33 Km)
- Post Aaf (85.26 Km)
- Elk City Municipal Airport (88.35 Km)
- Childress Airport (90.28 Km)
List of Airports close to Altus, United States
Altus Municipal Airport (AXS)
Altus Municipal Airport is located approximately 3.73 miles / 6 kilometers North (N) of central Altus. IATA airport code is AXS.
Altus Air Force Base (LTS)
Altus Air Force Base is located approximately 3.73 miles / 6 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Altus. IATA airport code is LTS.
Frederick Municipal Airport (FDR)
Frederick Municipal Airport is located approximately 27.96 miles / 45 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Altus. IATA airport code is FDR.
Wilbarger County Airport (WIB)
Wilbarger County Airport is located approximately 28.58 miles / 46 kilometers South (S) of central Altus. IATA airport code is WIB.
Hobart Airport (HBR)
Hobart Airport is located approximately 29.2 miles / 47 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Altus. IATA airport code is HBR.
Sherman Airport (CSM)
Sherman Airport is located approximately 49.09 miles / 79 kilometers North (N) of central Altus. IATA airport code is CSM.
Lawton Municipal Airport (LAW)
Lawton Municipal Airport is located approximately 52.2 miles / 84 kilometers East (E) of central Altus. IATA airport code is LAW.
Post Aaf (FSI)
Post Aaf is located approximately 52.82 miles / 85 kilometers East (E) of central Altus. IATA airport code is FSI.
Elk City Municipal Airport (ELK)
Elk City Municipal Airport is located approximately 54.68 miles / 88 kilometers North (N) of central Altus. IATA airport code is ELK.
Childress Airport (CDS)
Childress Airport is located approximately 55.92 miles / 90 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Altus. IATA airport code is CDS.