Closest Airport to Altai, Airports Near Altai, Russia
The closest airport to Altai is Barnaul Airport (BAX). Distance from Barnaul Airport to Altai is 25.57 miles or 41.14 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Altai
- Barnaul Airport (41.14 Km)
- Gorno-Altaysk Airport (202.22 Km)
- Tolmachevo Airport (228.2 Km)
- Novokuznetsk Airport (248.35 Km)
- Kemerovo Airport (308.01 Km)
- Semipalatinsk Airport (366.3 Km)
- Pavlodar Airport (435.32 Km)
- Abakan Airport (536.85 Km)
- Kanas Airport (589.68 Km)
- Altay Airport (672.58 Km)
List of Airports close to Altai, Russia
Barnaul Airport (BAX)
Barnaul Airport is located approximately 25.48 miles / 41 kilometers North-Northeast (NNE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is BAX.
Gorno-Altaysk Airport (RGK)
Gorno-Altaysk Airport is located approximately 125.52 miles / 202 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is RGK.
Tolmachevo Airport (OVB)
Tolmachevo Airport is located approximately 141.67 miles / 228 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Altai. IATA airport code is OVB.
Novokuznetsk Airport (NOZ)
Novokuznetsk Airport is located approximately 154.1 miles / 248 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is NOZ.
Kemerovo Airport (KEJ)
Kemerovo Airport is located approximately 191.38 miles / 308 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is KEJ.
Semipalatinsk Airport (PLX)
Semipalatinsk Airport is located approximately 227.42 miles / 366 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Altai. IATA airport code is PLX.
Pavlodar Airport (PWQ)
Pavlodar Airport is located approximately 270.3 miles / 435 kilometers West (W) of central Altai. IATA airport code is PWQ.
Abakan Airport (ABA)
Abakan Airport is located approximately 333.05 miles / 536 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is ABA.
Kanas Airport (KJI)
Kanas Airport is located approximately 365.99 miles / 589 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is KJI.
Altay Airport (AAT)
Altay Airport is located approximately 417.56 miles / 672 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Altai. IATA airport code is AAT.