Closest Airport to Aligarh, Airports Near Aligarh, India
The closest airport to Aligarh is Kheria Airport (AGR). Distance from Kheria Airport to Aligarh is 51.83 miles or 83.41 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Aligarh
- Kheria Airport (83.41 Km)
- Indira Gandhi International Airport (121.84 Km)
- Gwalior Airport (178.9 Km)
- Pantnagar Airport (185.21 Km)
- Mahendranagar Airport (233.7 Km)
- Sanganeer Airport (254.46 Km)
- Dehra Dun Airport (255.05 Km)
- Dhangarhi Airport (261.99 Km)
- Kanpur Airport (277.38 Km)
- Baitadi Airport (296.7 Km)
List of Airports close to Aligarh, India
Kheria Airport (AGR)
Kheria Airport is located approximately 51.57 miles / 83 kilometers South (S) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is AGR.
Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL)
Indira Gandhi International Airport is located approximately 75.19 miles / 121 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is DEL.
Gwalior Airport (GWL)
Gwalior Airport is located approximately 110.6 miles / 178 kilometers South (S) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is GWL.
Pantnagar Airport (PGH)
Pantnagar Airport is located approximately 114.95 miles / 185 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is PGH.
Mahendranagar Airport (XMG)
Mahendranagar Airport is located approximately 144.78 miles / 233 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is XMG.
Sanganeer Airport (JAI)
Sanganeer Airport is located approximately 157.83 miles / 254 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is JAI.
Dehra Dun Airport (DED)
Dehra Dun Airport is located approximately 158.45 miles / 255 kilometers North (N) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is DED.
Dhangarhi Airport (DHI)
Dhangarhi Airport is located approximately 162.18 miles / 261 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is DHI.
Kanpur Airport (KNU)
Kanpur Airport is located approximately 172.12 miles / 277 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is KNU.
Baitadi Airport (BIT)
Baitadi Airport is located approximately 183.93 miles / 296 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Aligarh. IATA airport code is BIT.