Closest Airport to Alcoa, Airports Near Alcoa, United States
The closest airport to Alcoa is Mc Ghee Tyson Airport (TYS). Distance from Mc Ghee Tyson Airport to Alcoa is 1.87 miles or 3 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Alcoa
- Mc Ghee Tyson Airport (3 Km)
- Gatlinburg Airport (40.84 Km)
- Rockwood Municipal Airport (66.18 Km)
- McMinn County Airport (68.63 Km)
- Crossville Memorial Airport (101.73 Km)
- Greenville Municipal Airport (113.49 Km)
- Asheville Regional Airport (135.28 Km)
- Lovell Field (139.49 Km)
- Dalton Municipal Airport (143.84 Km)
- Corbin-London Airport (144.09 Km)
List of Airports close to Alcoa, United States
Mc Ghee Tyson Airport (TYS)
Mc Ghee Tyson Airport is located approximately 1.86 miles / 3 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is TYS.
Gatlinburg Airport (GKT)
Gatlinburg Airport is located approximately 24.85 miles / 40 kilometers East (E) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is GKT.
Rockwood Municipal Airport (RKW)
Rockwood Municipal Airport is located approximately 41.01 miles / 66 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is RKW.
McMinn County Airport (MMI)
McMinn County Airport is located approximately 42.25 miles / 68 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is MMI.
Crossville Memorial Airport (CSV)
Crossville Memorial Airport is located approximately 62.76 miles / 101 kilometers West (W) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is CSV.
Greenville Municipal Airport (GCY)
Greenville Municipal Airport is located approximately 70.21 miles / 113 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is GCY.
Asheville Regional Airport (AVL)
Asheville Regional Airport is located approximately 83.89 miles / 135 kilometers East-Southeast (ESE) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is AVL.
Lovell Field (CHA)
Lovell Field is located approximately 86.37 miles / 139 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is CHA.
Dalton Municipal Airport (DNN)
Dalton Municipal Airport is located approximately 88.86 miles / 143 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is DNN.
Corbin-London Airport (LOZ)
Corbin-London Airport is located approximately 89.48 miles / 144 kilometers North (N) of central Alcoa. IATA airport code is LOZ.