Closest Airport to Aktau, Airports Near Aktau, Kazakhstan
The closest airport to Aktau is Aktau Airport (SCO). Distance from Aktau Airport to Aktau is 14.87 miles or 23.93 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Aktau
- Aktau Airport (23.93 Km)
- Makhachkala Airport (302.03 Km)
- Astrakhan Airport (384.88 Km)
- Atyrau Airport (388.14 Km)
- Zaqatala International Airport (437.85 Km)
- Yevlakh Airport (474.31 Km)
- Magas Airport (500.22 Km)
- Gyandzha Airport (516.65 Km)
- Vladikavkaz Airport (534.45 Km)
- Novo Alexeyevka Airport (556.14 Km)
List of Airports close to Aktau, Kazakhstan
Aktau Airport (SCO)
Aktau Airport is located approximately 14.29 miles / 23 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is SCO.
Makhachkala Airport (MCX)
Makhachkala Airport is located approximately 187.65 miles / 302 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is MCX.
Astrakhan Airport (ASF)
Astrakhan Airport is located approximately 238.61 miles / 384 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is ASF.
Atyrau Airport (GUW)
Atyrau Airport is located approximately 241.09 miles / 388 kilometers North (N) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is GUW.
Zaqatala International Airport (ZTU)
Zaqatala International Airport is located approximately 271.54 miles / 437 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is ZTU.
Yevlakh Airport (YLV)
Yevlakh Airport is located approximately 294.53 miles / 474 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is YLV.
Magas Airport (IGT)
Magas Airport is located approximately 310.69 miles / 500 kilometers West (W) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is IGT.
Gyandzha Airport (KVD)
Gyandzha Airport is located approximately 320.63 miles / 516 kilometers Southwest (SW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is KVD.
Vladikavkaz Airport (OGZ)
Vladikavkaz Airport is located approximately 331.81 miles / 534 kilometers West (W) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is OGZ.
Novo Alexeyevka Airport (TBS)
Novo Alexeyevka Airport is located approximately 345.48 miles / 556 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Aktau. IATA airport code is TBS.