Closest Airport to Akola, Airports Near Akola, India
The closest airport to Akola is Akola Airport (AKD). Distance from Akola Airport to Akola is 3.26 miles or 5.25 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Akola
- Akola Airport (5.25 Km)
- Nanded Airport (171.73 Km)
- Chikkalthana Airport (192.02 Km)
- Sonegaon Airport (216.25 Km)
- Indore Airport (257.06 Km)
- Murod Kond Airport (260.79 Km)
- Bhopal Airport (289.69 Km)
- Bidar Airport / Bidar Air Force Station (314.51 Km)
- Gondia Airport (352.64 Km)
- Sholapur Airport (359.73 Km)
List of Airports close to Akola, India
Akola Airport (AKD)
Akola Airport is located approximately 3.11 miles / 5 kilometers East (E) of central Akola. IATA airport code is AKD.
Nanded Airport (NDC)
Nanded Airport is located approximately 106.25 miles / 171 kilometers South (S) of central Akola. IATA airport code is NDC.
Chikkalthana Airport (IXU)
Chikkalthana Airport is located approximately 119.3 miles / 192 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Akola. IATA airport code is IXU.
Sonegaon Airport (NAG)
Sonegaon Airport is located approximately 134.22 miles / 216 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Akola. IATA airport code is NAG.
Indore Airport (IDR)
Indore Airport is located approximately 159.69 miles / 257 kilometers North-Northwest (NNW) of central Akola. IATA airport code is IDR.
Murod Kond Airport (LTU)
Murod Kond Airport is located approximately 161.56 miles / 260 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Akola. IATA airport code is LTU.
Bhopal Airport (BHO)
Bhopal Airport is located approximately 179.58 miles / 289 kilometers North (N) of central Akola. IATA airport code is BHO.
Bidar Airport / Bidar Air Force Station (IXX)
Bidar Airport / Bidar Air Force Station is located approximately 195.11 miles / 314 kilometers South (S) of central Akola. IATA airport code is IXX.
Gondia Airport (GDB)
Gondia Airport is located approximately 218.72 miles / 352 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Akola. IATA airport code is GDB.
Sholapur Airport (SSE)
Sholapur Airport is located approximately 223.07 miles / 359 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Akola. IATA airport code is SSE.