Closest Airport to Adamstown, Airports Near Adamstown, Pitcairn Islands

The closest airport to Adamstown is Gambier Island Airport (GMR). Distance from Gambier Island Airport to Adamstown is 331.82 miles or 534.01 kilometers.

Nearest airports to Adamstown

List of Airports close to Adamstown, Pitcairn Islands

Gambier Island Airport (GMR)

Gambier Island Airport is located approximately 331.81 miles / 534 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is GMR.

Moruroa Airport (UOA)

Moruroa Airport is located approximately 595.89 miles / 959 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is UOA.

Reao Airport (REA)

Reao Airport is located approximately 610.81 miles / 983 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is REA.

Vahitahi Airport (VHZ)

Vahitahi Airport is located approximately 708.98 miles / 1141 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is VHZ.

Hao Island Airport (HOI)

Hao Island Airport is located approximately 846.93 miles / 1363 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is HOI.

Nukutepipi Airport (NKP)

Nukutepipi Airport is located approximately 876.75 miles / 1411 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is NKP.

Fakahina Airport (FHZ)

Fakahina Airport is located approximately 902.85 miles / 1453 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is FHZ.

Puka Puka Airport (PKP)

Puka Puka Airport is located approximately 905.96 miles / 1458 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is PKP.

Fangatau Airport (FGU)

Fangatau Airport is located approximately 945.11 miles / 1521 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is FGU.

Takume Airport (TJN)

Takume Airport is located approximately 1010.97 miles / 1627 kilometers Northwest (NW) of central Adamstown. IATA airport code is TJN.