Closest Airport to Ad-Damazīn, Airports Near Ad-Damazīn, Sudan
The closest airport to Ad-Damazīn is Galegu Airport (DNX). Distance from Galegu Airport to Ad-Damazīn is 71.17 miles or 114.53 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Ad-Damazīn
- Galegu Airport (114.53 Km)
- Asosa Airport (198.28 Km)
- Genda Wuha Airport (235.73 Km)
- Mendi Airport (239.22 Km)
- Beica Airport (267.49 Km)
- Nejjo Airport (277.3 Km)
- Bahar Dar Airport (325.02 Km)
- Gondar Airport (345.87 Km)
- Dembidollo Airport (363.73 Km)
- Humera Airport (366.1 Km)
List of Airports close to Ad-Damazīn, Sudan
Galegu Airport (DNX)
Galegu Airport is located approximately 70.84 miles / 114 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is DNX.
Asosa Airport (ASO)
Asosa Airport is located approximately 123.03 miles / 198 kilometers South (S) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is ASO.
Genda Wuha Airport (ETE)
Genda Wuha Airport is located approximately 146.02 miles / 235 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is ETE.
Mendi Airport (NDM)
Mendi Airport is located approximately 148.51 miles / 239 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is NDM.
Beica Airport (BEI)
Beica Airport is located approximately 165.91 miles / 267 kilometers South (S) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is BEI.
Nejjo Airport (NEJ)
Nejjo Airport is located approximately 172.12 miles / 277 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is NEJ.
Bahar Dar Airport (BJR)
Bahar Dar Airport is located approximately 201.95 miles / 325 kilometers East (E) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is BJR.
Gondar Airport (GDQ)
Gondar Airport is located approximately 214.37 miles / 345 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is GDQ.
Dembidollo Airport (DEM)
Dembidollo Airport is located approximately 225.56 miles / 363 kilometers South (S) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is DEM.
Humera Airport (HUE)
Humera Airport is located approximately 227.42 miles / 366 kilometers Northeast (NE) of central Ad-Damazīn. IATA airport code is HUE.