Closest Airport to Abilene, Airports Near Abilene, United States
The closest airport to Abilene is Abilene Municipal Airport (ABI). Distance from Abilene Municipal Airport to Abilene is 3.95 miles or 6.36 kilometers.
Nearest airports to Abilene
- Abilene Municipal Airport (6.36 Km)
- Dyess Air Force Base (11.82 Km)
- Sweetwater Airport (68.84 Km)
- Coleman Airport (74.34 Km)
- Stephens County Airport (84.43 Km)
- Eastland Municipal Airport (86.75 Km)
- Brownwood Airport (103.23 Km)
- Winston Field (117.27 Km)
- Mathis Field (141.09 Km)
- Curtis Field (146.36 Km)
List of Airports close to Abilene, United States
Abilene Municipal Airport (ABI)
Abilene Municipal Airport is located approximately 3.73 miles / 6 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is ABI.
Dyess Air Force Base (DYS)
Dyess Air Force Base is located approximately 6.84 miles / 11 kilometers West-Southwest (WSW) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is DYS.
Sweetwater Airport (SWW)
Sweetwater Airport is located approximately 42.25 miles / 68 kilometers West (W) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is SWW.
Coleman Airport (COM)
Coleman Airport is located approximately 45.98 miles / 74 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is COM.
Stephens County Airport (BKD)
Stephens County Airport is located approximately 52.2 miles / 84 kilometers East-Northeast (ENE) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is BKD.
Eastland Municipal Airport (ETN)
Eastland Municipal Airport is located approximately 53.44 miles / 86 kilometers East (E) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is ETN.
Brownwood Airport (BWD)
Brownwood Airport is located approximately 64 miles / 103 kilometers Southeast (SE) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is BWD.
Winston Field (SNK)
Winston Field is located approximately 72.7 miles / 117 kilometers West-Northwest (WNW) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is SNK.
Mathis Field (SJT)
Mathis Field is located approximately 87.61 miles / 141 kilometers South-Southwest (SSW) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is SJT.
Curtis Field (BBD)
Curtis Field is located approximately 90.72 miles / 146 kilometers South-Southeast (SSE) of central Abilene. IATA airport code is BBD.